Thank you for logging into AFIEAT . Our website respects your privacy and seeks to protect yourpersonal information
The Privacy Policyexplains how to collect and use your personal data (under certaincircumstances). Also remember the procedures used to ensure the privacy of yourinformation. Finally, this policy sets out your options for collecting, usingand disclosing personal data. By visiting the site directly, you agree to thepractices outlined in this policy
Protecting your data isvery important to us. Your name and other information about you is thereforeused in accordance with the privacy policy. We will collect information whennecessary or if it is directly relevant to our transactions with you
We will keep your data inaccordance with the law or use it for the purposes for which it was collected
You can browse the sitewithout having to provide any personal data. Your personal identity remainsanonymous throughout your visit to the site and will not be disclosed unlessyou have a personal electronic account on the site accessed by your usernameand password.
The data we collect
We may need to collectyour information if you want to register a purchase order for a commodity fromour site
We collect, store andprocess data necessary to follow up on your purchase from our website to secureany potential claims that may arise, and to provide you with our services. Wemay collect personal information including, but not limited to, name, gender,date of birth, email address, delivery address (if different), telephonenumber, payment details, payment card details or bank account details
We use appropriatesecurity techniques and procedures to prevent unauthorized, illegal orunauthorized access to, or loss of, your information. When we collect datathrough the site, we store your personal information on a database within asecure e-mail server. We use firewall systems on our servers. When we collectpayment details electronically, we protect them by using encryption, such asSecure Sockets Layer (SSL). It is therefore difficult for any intruder todecrypt your information and the site ensures that your data is protected by99.99%. However, we strongly recommend that you do not send all credit or debitcard details when you communicate with us electronically and withoutencryption. Our security procedures require that we sometimes ask you to proveyour identity before We will disclose your personal information to you. It isyour responsibility to protect your password and your computer against anyunauthorized use.
Customer rights
If you are concerned aboutyour data, you are entitled to request access to personal data that we holdabout you or previously transmitted to us. You may ask us to correct any errorsin your personal data and it is free of charge